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Access localhost from docker container

I have an assignment to set up 3 docker container on localhost:8081, localhost:8082 and localhost:8083 which i’ve done succesfully.Then there is a last container that is a java app on localhost:8080 and it needs to send requests using HttpClient and HttpRequest to the other containers i’ve done this creating a bridge with “docker network create web_server –driver brigde” and im

How to ignore a field from DB [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I have a list of persons in DB everyone having a CV field which is a MultiPart File in Spring. I’m trying to get all

Count occurrences in 2D Array

I’m trying to count the occurrences per line from a text file containing a large amount of codes (numbers). Example of text file content: I want to compare a similar set of numbers that I get from a text field, for example: 9107,4405,2387,4499 The only result I’m looking for, is if it contains more than 2 numbers (per line) from

Switch Case In ActionPerformed?

Ive gone through some stack overflow questions and found this similar question. From what I understand using a switch statement in an actionPerformed method for this context will not work and an if-else statement is required. Is there a more efficient way to do this without having repetitive code? I’ve heard I could use Abstract Action to give multiple buttons

Relations between Room Tables Android

I am developping a chat app. I have two Entities And In MessageDao I want to get Contact phone correponding to the contact_id in MessageItem Answer You have three ways you can do this. 1) You can use a POJO with an @Embedded and an @Relation in which case you return MessageItem’s with the Contact e.g. :- along with an

“” because “propertyType” is null

A Spring Boot 2.5.1 application is logging this warning: whereas Spring Boot 2.4.4 does not. The POJO is trivial: and the Spring RestController is similarly: To trigger the warning submit a POST: The warning is triggered while “handling” the _links property of the EntityModel<SoPojo> but why and what can I do about it. Any ideas? Update: As dkb notes, this

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I have a few Scala test classes in a gradle project that work just fine when run individually. But when run through the gradle test task, it fails with the following error in beforeEach of all classes – The line that it is failing at is creating an instance of a Scala case class which has some default values assigned

Update empty XML element using XPATH and DOM in Java

I have the following XML document stored as a String and want to update the SubID element that is empty using XPATH and DOM. I’m using the following code to fetch the node first using xpath and update it using DOM. As the XML document use namespaces I’m using local-name() in the xpath. After setting the value in the destination
