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Tag: if-statement

Is there a better way to write my if statement?

I have a function that checks if multiple conditions are fulfilled before performing an operation. The code below shows all conditions that must be fulfilled. This code works perfectly as is. However, is there a better way of writing my if statements? Something about the look of it just feels wrong, feels verbose. Answer Perhaps the question is specifically about

Using exception for invalid entry

I am trying to use exceptions in my assignment to catch an error when a user input invalid entry. I tried using the if else statement to catch but whenever running the program it will skipped pass my exception even when I input invalid entry. Do any of you have any idea where I am wrong in the code? PS:

How can I use an If-statement inside the Collector?

The output I require is like this : The structure of this output is: Map<String, List<Pair<String, String>>> Where “Versions” is the key of the Map and [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] this is the value of the Map. Now, inside the Map we have a List like: List<Pair<String, String>> eg is this : [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] Where “0.1”,”0.2″,”0.3″ is the key of the Pair and “true”,”false”,”true”

Method that scans array for most common word length, but sends error message if two different elements have the same length

I have a method that takes in an array (created by Scanner input in main) and sorts the array to find the most common words before printing the length of those words. However, I’m also trying to have an error message pop up if two different elements have the same length; this is where I’m having trouble getting started. Method:
