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Tag: scala

Removing run / fork := true from sbt results in [runtime, notfound] exception, and if not removed i can’t take user input from console

*if run / fork := true is removed from sbt then: Caused by: /Users/ajitkumar/Downloads/flice/sensor-nws/target/bg-jobs/sbt_4be36759/target/135c9252/81ecd14d/hadoop-client-api-3.3.1.jar (No such file or directory) if not removed the below code results in Answer The problem gets solved after adding run / connectInput := true to build.sbt. more on this:

Handle java.lang.NullPointerException in scala when accessing nested fields

I have a use case where Person.getSister().getname() gives java.lang.NullPointerException since Person.getSister() is java null What is the right way to do this in scala. I am able to achieve with below code. But looking for more scala way of doing it. Edit: I changed the code in the following way Answer Checking for null is the Java way to go.

How to getQueueUrl as an array with an array of queueName?

Is there a way to get an array response for val getQueueUrlResponse on SQSClient.getQueueUrl method call with an array of sqsNames? I have many sqsNames and I’d like to batch the request into one request, I’d like to avoid hitting SQSClient multiple times. So if I have 10 elements in Array sqsName, I’d like 10 elements in the getQueueUrlResponse val.

Scala Sealed trait def to val (How to set value?)

I’m kinda new to Scala and have been working on a piece of code that looks like this: I’m kinda confused about how to set the branch variable which is defined as a def in the trait. When I debug I’d like to see branch as a property of the class so its be can be called as :SomeBank.branch because

It is possible to Stream data from beam (Scio) to an S3 bucket?

Currently, I’m working on a project which extracts data from a BigQuery table using Scio in Scala. I’m able to extract and ingest the data into ElasticSearch, but I’m trying to do the same but using an S3 bucket as storage. Certainly, I’m able to write the data into a txt file using the method saveAsTextFile, and then upload it
