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Tag: configuration

WARN: HHH90000028: Support for “ is deprecated hibernate log

This is the complete log message: WARN: HHH90000028: Support for <hibernate-mappings/> is deprecated [RESOURCE : resources/hibernate-configs/hibernate-mappings/mappings.hbm.xml]; migrate to orm.xml or mapping.xml, or enable hibernate.transform_hbm_xml.enabled for on the fly transformation I’ve tried to look for solutions on the internet. However, articles regarding this log message are scarce. I found this github page which is part of hibernate: This part of

Unable to load config data to springboot application from mounted volume in kubernetes

I have springboot application and I am trying to load additional configuration from a volume mounted location /tmp/secret-config.yaml and getting below error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load config data from ‘/tmp/secret-config.yaml’ I do not want to use configmap or secrets for this. It’s a simple json file which I am trying to load. I am trying to pass it like this

Running a Java configured Spring MVC Application fails to load ApplicationContext, raises java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException

Environment Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Web applications Tomcat 9 Server Code I started learning spring, following a Udemy course (by Chad Darby). In it, a spring mvc app is configured in java. Relevant files are given below: pom.xml Error While running the web app on tomcat 9 server from eclipse, the following exception is raised: Why is it

Hibernate – Error accessing stax stream – with

I’m getting this error : INFO: HHH000205: Loaded properties from resource {hibernate.connection.driver_class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle8iDialect, hibernate.connection.password=****, hibernate.connection.username=myUserName, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myHost:1521/mySID, hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer=false, show_sql=true} org.hibernate.HibernateException: Error accessing stax stream at org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal.JaxbCfgProcessor.unmarshal( at org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal.JaxbCfgProcessor.unmarshal( at org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal.ConfigLoader.loadConfigXmlResource( at org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder.configure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at gradletests.HibernateUtils.getSessionFactory( at gradletests.MainTest.main( Caused by: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1] Message: Content is not allowed in prolog. at java.xml/ at java.xml/ at org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal.JaxbCfgProcessor.unmarshal( … 6 more
