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Tag: akka-stream

Removing run / fork := true from sbt results in [runtime, notfound] exception, and if not removed i can’t take user input from console

*if run / fork := true is removed from sbt then: Caused by: /Users/ajitkumar/Downloads/flice/sensor-nws/target/bg-jobs/sbt_4be36759/target/135c9252/81ecd14d/hadoop-client-api-3.3.1.jar (No such file or directory) if not removed the below code results in Answer The problem gets solved after adding run / connectInput := true to build.sbt. more on this:

fold not working as expected using akka streams

Below is code I’ve written to try an output the sum of each akka message received which has been edited from this guide : The fold operation seems to cause nothing to outputted on the console. However if I use instead of Then the following is outputted : I’m attempting to group a list and perform a fold operation

Consumer does not read messages from the Kafka topic (Akka Stream Kafka)

We use Akka Stream Kafka for producing and consuming messages and Strimzi Kafka cluster. Here are the versions if matters: After a refactoring message consumer stopped working. We do have messages in the topic, but consumer just waits endlessly. Here is the log fragment: Some more points: Schema registry properly configured and good (otherwise producer would not work). Topic (and

How to access the computation result of an Akka Stream?

I’m attempting to return the result of a stream operation which in this case is: sum a list square the value square the value which is represented as: To access the value I use followed by : Which requires a blocking call to allow the stream to complete which is not acceptable: If I use: an error is returned :

Sending data to an Akka Stream

I’m attempting to send an ArrayList to an Akka stream for processing. The stream processes the list as follows: I have defined the code below to try to achieve this result: Sending data to the stream using : actorRef.tell(Arrays.asList(1,2,3), ActorRef.noSender()); does not appear to have any impact as the result of executing the above code is: Have I implemented the
