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Cannot write dynamic xpath for element in page

This is the Url: I want to select “casual dresses”, but when I tried the “Women” WebElement is selected instead. How can I write the dyanmic xpath to select “casual dresses”? Answer You have to wait until page is loaded, then hover over Women title, the wait until the menu is open and then click on the Casual Dress

Using google-http-client and google-http-client-apache-v2 behind a proxy produces NonRepeatableRequestException

I’m using google-http-client and google-http-client-apache-v2 libraries to make a POST request behind a proxy. That request produces a NonRepeatableRequestException: It seems like ApacheHttpRequest wraps ByteArrayContent that is repeatable (see JavaDoc) inside a ContentEntity that is non-repeatable. Debuging execution inside google libraries, proxy is returning “407 Proxy Authentication Required”, then it tries to repeat the request (guess that including the credentials)

Use API REST interface to authenticate user on android app

I am writing an App with friends that uses an API to login. I am using OKHTTP for the GET/POST Requests. I have written the following code for the Login page: After trying to login I get following error message I have tried multithreading but I have not found a solution that awaits the result of the login. And regarding

Collection cannot be converted to Object[]

Need help with a problem for a class! So I have created an array of names that gets passed to a method named runA in the class Proj04Runner. I need to create a TreeSet of these names to put them in naturally ascending order with no repeating values. However when I run my code, I get an error telling me

Intellij Idea fails to start with VPN enabled

I am having a trouble with launching Intellij Idea Ultimate Edition 2021.1.2 (also tried 2020.3.1) with VPN enabled (I am using GlobalProtect) on Windows 10. I’ve been working on this setup for quite a long time, but recently something went wrong with no obvious changes made. So, after launching Intellij Idea I get an error window with following: After I

Adding JavaFX PieChart in JPanel

I want to add a Pie chart inside a JPanel. I have gone through this and this. But it didnt helped me. I tried this code in the debugger but it is not getting pass line X. Somehow setScene function is not working and pie chart is not visible in the panel. Here’s my code: I am not sure why
