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Tag: google-api

Request had insufficient authentication scopes error when creating teacher through Google Classroom API

I’m trying to create assignments for students through the google classroom api. However, I’ve learned admins can not do that, only teachers. So in our code, after creating a new course we’re then setting the teacher’s email, which is the same as for the admin. However, the code fails when creating the teacher. It says the request had insufficient authentication

Using google-http-client and google-http-client-apache-v2 behind a proxy produces NonRepeatableRequestException

I’m using google-http-client and google-http-client-apache-v2 libraries to make a POST request behind a proxy. That request produces a NonRepeatableRequestException: It seems like ApacheHttpRequest wraps ByteArrayContent that is repeatable (see JavaDoc) inside a ContentEntity that is non-repeatable. Debuging execution inside google libraries, proxy is returning “407 Proxy Authentication Required”, then it tries to repeat the request (guess that including the credentials)

Get all GCP instances under project using rest API

The below api gives instances based on a particular zone. I am using java client library to connect with GCP. It is possible using gcloud according to this link Any help will be much appreciated. Answer To list all instances in all regions and zones for a project, use the aggregatedList method. Method: instances.aggregatedList

Google Nearby Messages API: Attempting to perform a high-power operation from a non-Activity Context

Calling subscribe on the Google Nearby Messages API for Android results in the Exception: My code: Note: The promise Parameter is from React Native, I’m trying to create a wrapper for the API. At the Log.d event inside my OnCompleteListener, it prints: I do have the API Key and the required Permissions (BLUETOOTH, BLUETOOTH_ADMIN) in my AndroidManifest.xml. On iOS the
