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Tag: sockets

How to connect to java server (socket) using internet

I’d read a tutorial from here. It is chat application made using java for server side and client as well and android as client. Its running good without any error just need to connect on ip address of server but my question is, can i use it over internet as well as over wifi? if yes then how? Answer Just

Force Java Android Socket to Send Data Immediately

As a hobby project, I’m writing an android voip client. When writing voice data to the socket (Vars.mediaSocket), many times, the data isn’t immediately sent out over the wifi but just stalls and then all at once it will send 20 seconds worth of voice. Then it will stall again and wait for 30 seconds and then send 30 seconds

TCP threaded server/client

I’m trying to make a threaded TCP server that accept multiple client. It’s only accepting one client. Any idea on how to make the server accepting multiple client? Here is what I tried so far: I changed the server code. I ran both the server and the client, but it seems that it’s only one thread is working. Should I

Fastest way to scan ports with Java

I made a very simple port scanner, but it runs too slow, so I’m looking for a way to make it scan faster. Here is my code: This code tests if a specific port is open on a specific ip. For timeout I used a minimum value of 200 because when I go lower it doesn’t have enough time to

Network is unreachable?

I want to run a cyc (opencyc) Java class, but when I run this class I got an error mentioning that the network is unreachable. I am working on NetBeans 7.0 and opencyc 2.0 win 32 version. I am using localhost ( to test. The error is below. Why is this happening? How can I connect to the cyc? Answer

Background process in linux

I have developed a Java socket server connection which is working fine. When started from a terminal, it starts from listening from client. But when I close the terminal it stops listening. I need to continue even though the terminal closed by user from where jar file was started. How can I run Java server socket application in Linux as

Unicode text through socket in java

I am facing a tiny issue (I believe) in socket programming. When sending text from non-English languages, I get garbled results. After a lot of researching on google, I made some corrections. I changed getBytes() to getBytes(“UTF-8”) and tried to send some Arabic text. When connecting sockets locally, it works fine. I see the arabic text I expected. But when
