I have a GWT app in which I have to include an JS function. So I am using the native interface to use the JS function in my JAVA code. This is my JS function But the problem with this is when I receive the Promise response via response.json(), it is still in pending state, so it never goes to
Tag: javascript
How to speed up moveRows script
I use a script how move rows in other sheet and delete them if condition match. It works but sometimes it’s long. How can i speed up this please ? I try this but it’s not working. I think i can’t combine sh1.getRange(sh1.getLastRow()+1, 1,vals.lenght , vals[0].length).setValues(result) with sh0.deleteRows(i+1) or the problem is for (var i=vals.lenght-1;i>0;i–) ?? Answer I believe your
How to call servlet after running JavaScript verification code?
I am trying to run a character length check first and if user pass that than want to call the servlet which will return that user logged in. After running the above jsp code it is checking the password length and Rno check correctly but not running the servlet after that given below. I want to do this in doPost
How to write in pre tag?
I can’t write value to field using Selenium .sendKeys. So I use jsCode: and I can’t understand why these methods don’t work – the test passes but the value is not written to the field $(“div pre”).append(“RESPONSE”) – work in devTools Full html code: Answer If you are trying to append to the content of the pre tag then use
How to call a Java method from Javascript
How do you call a Java method/ function from Javascript? Java Function: Javascript Function: Answer To call java code from javascript in your react-native app, you have to create a module I suggest reading the docs: https://reactnative.dev/docs/native-modules-android Java code – android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/JavaModule.java Register the Module – android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/MyAppPackage.java To register the package change the getPackages method in this file: android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/MainApplication.java JavaScript code
How do I link package.json with a separate file (in this case nodemon.app)
When I run npm start I keep getting this error: I have reinstalled it, added nearly everything as an environmental variable and nothing has worked. I also cannot find anything like nodemon.app in my folders. My package.json: Answer Apologies Guys, turns out I had the wrong filename in my package.json, so it errored.
Selenium, Scrolling page
I am trying to scroll webpage with Selenium- “https://jobsearch.az/vacancies”. But, you see when you open it and click on vacancy, there are two pages side by side to scroll. I need to scroll the one in the middle, so selenium can go and take info from other jobs too. But, now, it stops when it comes to 14, which is
reactNative.Share.open is undefined
I’m trying to use the share component with react native but I keep getting this error below. Any idea why ? ‘_reactNative.Share.open is not a function. (In ‘_reactNative.Share.open({ url: uri })’, ‘_reactNative.Share.open’ is undefined)’ Answer This is because ‘Share.open()’ is now deprecated, use ‘Share.share()’ instead.
How would I go about turning JavaScript into Java? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question I would like to use the following code in Android studio, instead of via a web browser. However, I am
casting of js.executeAsyncScript output to Map
I want to cast the output of below script into Map<string,string> but it is showing “java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Map”error. How can we cast that in map?? Answer I assume your response is in Json format. You can use Gson to convert the String to Map.