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Tag: forms

How would I give immediate feedback in a JSP?

I have a JSP form, that (when the user clicks the “submit” button) instantiates a Java class, and calls a method on it. This method then submits a request (in a proprietary format) to a server running on an entirely different box. That back-end server then either sends the submitting user an email, and returns “SUCCESS” to the Java method,

How I can send POST request with data from table?

I want to send POST request with data which is stored in a HTML table. I’m using thymleaf. I tried to send GET request with data for build table, but I didn’t get the response data from the table while using the POST request. What is the problem? model AnkiCardDto DTO for response data from table All code you look

Struts2 Tags Radio button

I have this iterator that loops through an object. where answer is a boolean value, that I am trying to set through radio buttons. but the problem is, upon on the generated html, teh radio buttons. is like this It did not have the indice/index. it only gave me the %{#key.index} Answer you have to use property tag to get

Bind elements to a list with spring mvc ModelAttribute

The question is based on getting a spring model attribute list element using an index from javascript on which explains that each name of the html element must contain an index. Example user[0] I have a form that allows the user to dynamically add or remove elements from the list before submitting it. Let me put an example: we add
