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Tag: scroll

Selenium, Scrolling page

I am trying to scroll webpage with Selenium- “”. But, you see when you open it and click on vacancy, there are two pages side by side to scroll. I need to scroll the one in the middle, so selenium can go and take info from other jobs too. But, now, it stops when it comes to 14, which is

JavaFX event on Mouse Wheel Finished for ScrollPane

I have a ScrollPane with lots of elements on it, (Same one as this JavaFX setHgrow / binding property expanding infinitely) and initially I was planning on using the setOnScrollFinished(this::scrollFinished); event, however I’ve now discovered through research that this only applies to touch gestures, and trying to find a compromise for the MouseWheel hasn’t been great and I just find

ZK: Grid with first column frozen

I have a grid with 7 columns and some rows. Every column has a fixed width (300px), so there is an horizontal scroll. I need to lock first column so that this column is excluded from scroll. In other words, I would like to start scroll from second column. I know there is “frozen” functionality to do that but it

HeaderListView with Horizontal Scrolling Header

I’m looking for a HeaderListView like this one: but instead have a header that has a horizontal scrolling ability that lists categories of my list view, like in uber eats where it comes up with stuff like: Drinks Coke Sprite Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Cheese Pizza In the header it will have tabs: Drinks Pizza If you’re viewing the drinks,
