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Tag: nullpointerexception

Null pointer exception when using Mockito to mock interface

I’m using Mockito to test the following method: Here is my test: But I keep getting NullPointerExeption for this line: ValueProducerFactory is an Interface and the createValueProducer method signature is as follows: I have a class named CachingValueProducerFactory that implements the interface It seems like using Collections.emptyList() in the test is the problem, but I don’t see any other solution

How to avoid java.lang.NullPointerException in my Code?

I have asked a question about my code for a Game of Life Implementation. The suggested solution solved my problem but created a new one. Now if I try to call the getCell() method I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. How can I avoid this exception? Link to my previous question with the corresponding code and solution code that I used: How

NullPointerException while selecting image from the storage for the Second time onwards, No NullPointerException while selecting First time

I have set up a button that is meant to check for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions, and then open the users phone storage display images. I’ve done this successfully via the following code: All of this works perfectly on the first try. The user sees the permission dialog box, presses agree and the image selector opens displaying images on their phone! However,

Optaplanner – NullPointerException when creating jar file

My program works fine from my IDE (IntelliJ) but for some reason, when I try to create a jar file I get following error when I run the program from a terminal: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException at org.optaplanner.core.config.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.buildDroolsScoreDirectorFactory( org.optaplanner.core.config.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.buildScoreDirectorFactory( org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.buildSolver( org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.AbstractSolverFactory.buildSolver( org.optaplanner.EmployeeRoster.main( This is my line 31 in EmployeeRoster: SOLVER_CONFIG_XML is a String containing my path for my XML
