Hello I am new in Android development I have tried different way to show data in RecyclerView from firebase. At first I set on click listener on item of RecyclerView and it work’s fine but After that I make some changes in code now I am trying to test it’s showing Null Exception pointer but I didn’t change anything on
Tag: nullpointerexception
Null pointer exception when using Mockito to mock interface
I’m using Mockito to test the following method: Here is my test: But I keep getting NullPointerExeption for this line: ValueProducerFactory is an Interface and the createValueProducer method signature is as follows: I have a class named CachingValueProducerFactory that implements the interface It seems like using Collections.emptyList() in the test is the problem, but I don’t see any other solution
How to avoid java.lang.NullPointerException in my Code?
I have asked a question about my code for a Game of Life Implementation. The suggested solution solved my problem but created a new one. Now if I try to call the getCell() method I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. How can I avoid this exception? Link to my previous question with the corresponding code and solution code that I used: How
NullPointerException while selecting image from the storage for the Second time onwards, No NullPointerException while selecting First time
I have set up a button that is meant to check for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions, and then open the users phone storage display images. I’ve done this successfully via the following code: All of this works perfectly on the first try. The user sees the permission dialog box, presses agree and the image selector opens displaying images on their phone! However,
Script for IBM Rhapsody made with Java and Spring autowiring not working
I developed a script for IBM Rhapsody using it’s API for java. The script is working fine when is run from my IDE. When I run the script from Rhapsody using the JAR and HEP file I get …
Optaplanner – NullPointerException when creating jar file
My program works fine from my IDE (IntelliJ) but for some reason, when I try to create a jar file I get following error when I run the program from a terminal: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException at org.optaplanner.core.config.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.buildDroolsScoreDirectorFactory(ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.java:461) org.optaplanner.core.config.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.buildScoreDirectorFactory(ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig.java:331) org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.buildSolver(SolverConfig.java:220) org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.AbstractSolverFactory.buildSolver(AbstractSolverFactory.java:57) org.optaplanner.EmployeeRoster.main(EmployeeRoster.java:31) This is my line 31 in EmployeeRoster: SOLVER_CONFIG_XML is a String containing my path for my XML
Writing unit test for @Nonnull annotated parameter
I have a method like this one: I would like to write a unit test to make sure foo() throws an NPE when value is null but I can’t since the compiler refuses to compile the unit test when static null pointer flow analysis is enabled in IDE. How do I make this test compile (in Eclipse with “Enable annotation-based
Struts2.5.12 – NPE while using getText method from ActionSupport
I am migrating a project from Struts 2.3.3 to Struts 2.5.12 and I see NullPointerException when using the getText method from ActionSupport class. My action class extends ActionSupport class. I have package.properties file also packaged in the war file. My action class looks like: And in package.properties file I have I see the below exception when the bean for my
why the getter method goes null when i call in another class?
but in the set method on another class when i got the value is exist,, so i have 3 classes the first class is getter setter class , second is the class to fill the set and the last is class to get the method getter,, but it goes null value… Answer Class A Class B Basically by using new
JavaFX’s Spinner raises NullPointerException on empty text input
I have an issue where an editable JavaFX 8 Spinner causes an uncaught NullPointerException if one clears the editor text and commits and then clicks either the increment or decrement button. This is j8u60 j8u77. With some luck the increment/decrement button will get stuck in depressed state and the NPE’s keep flowing locking up the application. The following code reproduces