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Tag: nullpointerexception

Android: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()’ on a null object reference

Facing a problem with a practice app I’m working on. I’m facing a NullPointerException problem relating to the toString method. Being new to android app development, I’m unsure of the exact cause even after my research into this. Hence I ask for someone who is more familiar with the stack trace to kindly help me out. Note: The error occurs

null pointer exception error calling method

I get this null pointer exception error if i call a method. if (farm1.cropStat(row, col) ) here’s the method here’s the initialization pls help 🙁 Answer Whenever you see a pattern that looks like this replace it with the equivalent It is the same thing. As far as the error goes, you need to reverse the order of your checks

Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?

Note: This is intended to be a canonical answer for a common problem. I have a Spring @Service class (MileageFeeCalculator) that has an @Autowired field (rateService), but the field is null when I try to use it. The logs show that both the MileageFeeCalculator bean and the MileageRateService bean are being created, but I get a NullPointerException whenever I try

Why does my icon handling code throw a NullPointerException?

I have added an image for my button,but when I run that frame this exception will be thrown .why?please help me. line 138: line91: I use this poor checking (Peter Lang recommended)which is:System.out.println(getClass().getResource(“/Images/yahoo_1.gif”)); and it returns null,why? please help me. Answer This means, that getClass().getResource(“/Images/yahoo_1.gif”) returns null. JavaDoc states that this happens if the resource could not be found or
