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Tag: javascript

Difference in results between Java matches vs JavaScript match

I was brushing up on my regular expressions in java when I did a simple test But in JavaScript What is going on here? And can I make my java regex pattern “q” behave the same as JavaScript? Answer In JavaScript match returns substrings which matches used regex. In Java matches checks if entire string matches regex. If you want

How to pass an object from front-end to Struts 2

I am trying to send value of a field to Struts2 back-end through JavaScript but it returns NullpointerException. Once form is submitted the request will be sent to the following JavaScript method to be sent to back-end. the request will be created and sent as following But in back-end when I try to show the value it returns NullPointerException. Java:

Atmosphere responses, broadcasts do not call javascript onMessage handler

I’m working with atmosphere trying to get the simple base implementation using atmosphere 2.0.3 tomcat 7.0.42 running locally in my eclipse environment (also connecting from external machine to see traffic with wireshark). The problem I am experiencing is no matter what transport I use, websocket, sse, polling, long-polling, the broadcast response never seems to get to the client and the

Print Web page on 4 inch printer from mobile

I am developing a mobile web application. On the form when the user press Print button I need to print the page on a 4 inch printer. My question is how can I connect to the printer from the mobile web browser(may be using bluetooth, USB). My application will be running on all type of smart phones(Andriod , IOS, Windows,

Frontend Bug Reporting plugin for Website Beta Tester

I am looking for a bug reporting solution that I can embed into my website. I would like allow users to report front end issues directly from the page and be able to capture screen clippings, ideally it would also have some kaptcha to prevent basic spamming. I have an issue tracker, I want to ease the reporting process to
