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Tag: chat

Bukkit Chat Clickable Buttons

I’m actually coding a plugin, in a command it prompts a confirmation message and I want to click a button (on the chat text) for confirming and cancellating. I don’t like to copying and pasting code from others, and I don’t want to use classes from others too. I am trying to use TextComponents but I can’t make it work.

Java Chat Multi-Client Receiving thread

In a lot of multclient java programs people use a separate thread which only receives the messages from the server. Is it really necessary? Why can’t it be done in the main thread? What should be the problem? For me a separate thread to receive the messages from the server is not that necessary, it could be done simply be

Atmosphere responses, broadcasts do not call javascript onMessage handler

I’m working with atmosphere trying to get the simple base implementation using atmosphere 2.0.3 tomcat 7.0.42 running locally in my eclipse environment (also connecting from external machine to see traffic with wireshark). The problem I am experiencing is no matter what transport I use, websocket, sse, polling, long-polling, the broadcast response never seems to get to the client and the
