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Tag: java

How to Map Object response to another ObjectDto in java

I have to map rest template response to my DTO with different key and values. currently I am getting this json response from rest api And I want to map it into my DTO for me able to save into DB What i want is to get only same key dynamically to match with the response of api above. Currently

Applet not running

Im fairly new to java and applet but when I run my code I expect to be greeted with some sort of applet window however nothing happens when I run. What am I doing wrong, or am I missing something ? Answer As Java Client Roadmap Update During the past five years, most browser vendors have withdrawn support for plugins

Is OpenAPI v.3 incomplete or convertor is wrong?

I am trying to validate some data for the REST API using swagger description. I have converted swagger.json into OpenAPI 3.0.1 using swagger editor conversion option, and now trying to read it into OpenAPI object with ObjectMapper with following lines of code: First, I got an error as it could not recognized the field x-codegen-request-body-name generated by the converter. Fine,

Null pointer exception when using Mockito to mock interface

I’m using Mockito to test the following method: Here is my test: But I keep getting NullPointerExeption for this line: ValueProducerFactory is an Interface and the createValueProducer method signature is as follows: I have a class named CachingValueProducerFactory that implements the interface It seems like using Collections.emptyList() in the test is the problem, but I don’t see any other solution

Mapping to “” instead of null Jackson

I have a function that reads XML from a Kafka topic into String format, which I then want to convert to a JSON Object. Example XML: I then have POJO Classes such as: (with lombok getter/setter/toString and jackson annotation imports) I am then using a MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter to get an Object Mapper, and using that to map the XML string to
