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Tag: window

JFrame ending in some time

Whenever I run my code it ends in a few seconds. Why? This is the Main file: This is the GameWin file: When I try to run this code it shows running and then the code ends with exit code 1 which is good, but it just ends without showing the window. Is there something wrong with my JRE or

Applet not running

Im fairly new to java and applet but when I run my code I expect to be greeted with some sort of applet window however nothing happens when I run. What am I doing wrong, or am I missing something ? Answer As Java Client Roadmap Update During the past five years, most browser vendors have withdrawn support for plugins

How do I get “Goodbye Window” to show up in Java?

I have a Java network application and this is what I want to do: After user logs out, his interface window closes. Now, I want for another window to show up that will say something like: “Thank you for using our application”. This final window should be borderless and without any available option, more like a plain picture (jpeg? why
