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Tag: pojo

Get element value from a POJO List

I have the following POJO. And I create new indexes in the POJO my adding it. How can I have access to any index element once created? How I would be able to access the 3rd element from 3rd row? Answer First go to the 3rd element, then go the specific field that you want to access. in this case.

Cannot construct instance of `com.domain.User` (no Creators, like default constructor, exist): cannot deserialize from Object value

I have a controller that accepts ObjectNode as @RequestBody. That ObjectNode represents json with some user data I want to get user as ObjectNode convert it to Java POJO save it to database and again return it as JsonNode. To convert ObjectNode to POJO I did this in my UserMapper class: Also, to write object to JsonNode I

How to load json data in java?

I’m quite new to API testing, I am wondering how to best and simple load some body? I created simple pojo classes, but i am having problems with nested json. ex: Then, in classes I used: and then in test class I am trying to use it, but have no idea how. But I have no idea how to declare

Deserializing json to pojo where json field has different data types

I’m trying to deserialize json to java pojo and I can’t wrap my head around how should I begin to create a java object that could be used to deserialize json like this: I’m working with jackson and looking to use something like this: MyPojo response = mapper.readValue(jsonString, MyPojo.class) The biggest struggle is those “value” elements, where some fields contain

What is the best way to define a common Base Java Model for all Responses?

I have a need to format all REST responses as: Where the response is an arbitrary data (object, array; with arbitrary fields) different for each REST API endpoint. What is the best way to define different response for each response Model ? I tried this (and it works, but I’m not sure is it the right thing to do):

Converting POJO into map

I have a Java class having 10 attributes, I want to convert this into 3 maps(Breaking it into 5,3,2 fields resepectively). I did some research and found that Jackson’s ObjectMapper can be used by doing something like this: This will be creating a single map for all the attributes in my POJO. What I want is have this POJO converted

Object not being able to map to POJO class

I am getting a response, which I converted to Pojo class with one field of type Object. Now when I am trying to cast the Object type to another Pojo class its throwing the error : Code : Here, firsClass object when printed gives following result : Now, the error happens in the following line : I am sharing the

Mapping to “” instead of null Jackson

I have a function that reads XML from a Kafka topic into String format, which I then want to convert to a JSON Object. Example XML: I then have POJO Classes such as: (with lombok getter/setter/toString and jackson annotation imports) I am then using a MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter to get an Object Mapper, and using that to map the XML string to
