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Tag: deployment

Build war files for services when modules are modified

I have a monorepo with the following structure: My end goal here is to deploy the application’s war files to aws via GitHub actions. I am able to deploy individual services whenever there are changes in them, with the command mvn clean install -Dmaven.clean.failOnError=false -f services/foo/pom.xml. However, I am not sure how to update the services whenever a module it

Shared Dependency for two Deployments on Wildfly

I have two webapps, which are deployed within the same wildfly. Both webapps should share certain libraries, which are not part of the wildfly modules. To keep the deployment non-dependent on the specific wildfly, I would prefer not to provide the shared libraries via the wildfly-module system (I am aware, it is possible to user-define modules). My approach was to

JSON file not copied to target folder

In my java project, I have a .json file which I have placed in resource folder. When I am trying to read this .json file in my main class using the getResourceAsStream() method, I am getting a FileNotFoundException. I checked that under folder target > classes this .json file is not present. I am not sure why this .json file

Problems with launch spring boot jar on ubuntu server. Error starting ApplicationContext

I have configured nginx to fit my code. My code works well on Windows and now I’m trying to deploy it to Ubuntu. I run jar and it fail. Logs: My propeties: continues code: upload.path=home/kirill/uploads #properties for MailSender #smptps – Not secure connection #test spring.mail.username= HIDED EMAIL spring.mail.password=password spring.mail.port=465 spring.mail.protocol=smtps mail.debug=false recaptcha.secret=hided secret spring.session.jdbc.initialize-schema=always spring.session.jdbc.table-name=SPRING_SESSION hostname= HIDED HOST server.port=80

Glassfish unable to deploy at root because default-web-module is declared

While trying to deploy to Glassfish Server Open Source Edition (build 5) from both Netbeans and Admin Console the following message is thrown. Eventhough the Applications section of the Admin Console has no deployed applications. I have tried restarting the domain without success. Exception while loading the app : java.lang.Exception: WEB0145: Unable to deploy web module [*module name*] at
