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Request working fine in postman, but getting a 403 in OkHTTP

I’m trying to make a request to the Genius API, but I’m running into some issues using OkHTTP. This is my small script I’m using to make the call: When I run this script, I get a 403 error: For reference, here is a picture of me making the same exact request with Postman, and it works: Any ideas on

Junit Mockito error on initialization

I have looked everywhere online. I have tried almost everything, from deleting STS to deleting all the code from my station and re-import everything back. I played with dependencies, build path, properties, etc. but still nothing works. Running the tests on Maven by CLI is working fine, and other team members don’t have that issue, so it is probably some

Creating strict mock when using @MockBean of spring boot?

I use @MockBean of spring boot (with @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)) and everything was ok so far. However the mock provides default implementation for every method of the mocked class so I cannot check if only those methods were called that I expected to be called, i.e. I would like to create strict mock. Is that possible with @MockBean? I don’t insist on

Use pattern in getAttribute in NiFi

How can I use a pattern in getAttribute of a FlowFile? I’m going to write a processor that receives flowfiles from ListenTCP and ListenUDP processors. ListenTCP has tcp.sender property and ListenUDP has udp.sender property. How can I get the sender property of a FlowFile? The current solution is: How can I avoid using if? I need something like this: Answer

Jackson adds backslash in json

I’m building REST service on Jersey and using Jackson to produce JSON from java classes of my model. Model with absolutely simple values, I think this is the most typical case. But I get strange result: My expecting result: My source values of fields does NOT contains any special characters. These are simple words. There’re my Java classes. Entity: Class

Runtime Change Android material theme

I have one setting screen for change app themes at runtime. I know how to create material design theme. I have create one in my style.xml file Here is code of my style.xml: Now I want to change runtime app theme from green to purple or yellow. Anything can any one tell me how can I create a color picker

Java Entities Dates fields and Oracle TIMESTAMP data types

In my entities classes I use to define the temporal fields as follows: In my oracle DB the columns mapped by those fields are of type TIMESTAMP. What are the implications of this configurations: Are my dates implicitily UTC dates ? Does it mean I have to be careful on handling by myself Daylight saving time issues ? Answer The
