I am creating OMR scanner in java. I have List of which contains contours from image. i want to create array of List. how can i accomplish it? this is what i have right now What i want to do is so that i can store array of countours() for each question. Like [1] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [2] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [3] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 ………………………….
Spring: automatic rollback on checked exceptions
One way to configure Spring to rollback on a non RuntimeExceptions is using @Transactional(rollbackFor=…) annotation on the service classes. The problem with this approach is that we need to define (rollbackFor=…) for almost all the service classes which seems really redundant. My question: Is there any way to configure a default behaviour for Spring transaction manager to rollback on a
Logging not showing
I am using JUL in my application. Normally, Netbeans opens an output tab that reads “Tomcat” and shows the logs I produce. It was working fine. But suddenly, I realise that my logs are not shown at all, only the System.out get printed. Not even the higuest LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, “….. I suspect it can be a library I included, which is
More recursive method to print Pascal’s triangle
I’ll try to use a recursive method to print pascals triangle to the standard output. I started by making an iterative method to get an idea of how I wanted the method to work. See the code below. Javadoc and the signature of binom Then i began to work on the recursive method. I can not use any class variable
Exception during context initialization –
I’m trying to create a simple online store with spring. But the error that occurred is above my skills. I googled all I could, and I’m helpless. Since last time everything worked I created a new controller, few services and a thymeleaf template. I can post the whole project on github if anyone would be willing to check it. Posting
How to connect to SQS queue
I have created several SQS queues in the management console. All the queues have full access permission (Allow – Everybody – All SQS Actions) I have created necessary credentials and can connect to AWS. Now I am trying to connect to created queues: But nothing is displayed. At the same time, if I create queue programatically: It is listed and
PageRequest constructors have been deprecated
I’m working the Spring Data Commons v2+ snapshot, and I see that the constructors for a PageRequest have been deprecated. This appears to have occurred between M1 & M2. Unfortunately, this is the only [real] implementation of the Pageable interface. I’m wondering where the effort is heading, and what a better alternative would be for current development. Answer It’s just
How to mock a Files static method with Mockito
I have a method in my utilities: I want to mock Files so I can test to make sure Files.createDirectories with the expected fields are called or not. Can I do this with Mockito? Or do I need to actually create the directories and check for their existence in some tmp folder? Answer When you write something with tdd and
keytool error: java.io.IOException: keystore password was incorrect
Created a Certificate for Tomcat, trying to get it installed in new keystore, and getting error (Edit: ran it with -v option, now getting more info): Sadly, it’s correct, the passphrase has two “®”. So, given what I’ve done (the private key has the non-ASCII password), how much of a pain will it be to recover from this?: The file
JavaFx How to set row background color of specifics rows in TableView
I’m using TabelView with 2 columns: I have a logic which calculate row number, and I need to set the background of this row to red (every several seconds I’m calculating the row and I need to set the caculcated row background to red. I check those Q’s: Colouring table row in JavaFX But it does help. So I can