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List of array in Android

I am creating OMR scanner in java. I have List of which contains contours from image. i want to create array of List. how can i accomplish it? this is what i have right now What i want to do is so that i can store array of countours() for each question. Like [1] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [2] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [3] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 ………………………….

Spring: automatic rollback on checked exceptions

One way to configure Spring to rollback on a non RuntimeExceptions is using @Transactional(rollbackFor=…) annotation on the service classes. The problem with this approach is that we need to define (rollbackFor=…) for almost all the service classes which seems really redundant. My question: Is there any way to configure a default behaviour for Spring transaction manager to rollback on a

Logging not showing

I am using JUL in my application. Normally, Netbeans opens an output tab that reads “Tomcat” and shows the logs I produce. It was working fine. But suddenly, I realise that my logs are not shown at all, only the System.out get printed. Not even the higuest LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, “….. I suspect it can be a library I included, which is

Exception during context initialization –

I’m trying to create a simple online store with spring. But the error that occurred is above my skills. I googled all I could, and I’m helpless. Since last time everything worked I created a new controller, few services and a thymeleaf template. I can post the whole project on github if anyone would be willing to check it. Posting

How to connect to SQS queue

I have created several SQS queues in the management console. All the queues have full access permission (Allow – Everybody – All SQS Actions) I have created necessary credentials and can connect to AWS. Now I am trying to connect to created queues: But nothing is displayed. At the same time, if I create queue programatically: It is listed and

PageRequest constructors have been deprecated

I’m working the Spring Data Commons v2+ snapshot, and I see that the constructors for a PageRequest have been deprecated. This appears to have occurred between M1 & M2. Unfortunately, this is the only [real] implementation of the Pageable interface. I’m wondering where the effort is heading, and what a better alternative would be for current development. Answer It’s just

How to mock a Files static method with Mockito

I have a method in my utilities: I want to mock Files so I can test to make sure Files.createDirectories with the expected fields are called or not. Can I do this with Mockito? Or do I need to actually create the directories and check for their existence in some tmp folder? Answer When you write something with tdd and

JavaFx How to set row background color of specifics rows in TableView

I’m using TabelView with 2 columns: I have a logic which calculate row number, and I need to set the background of this row to red (every several seconds I’m calculating the row and I need to set the caculcated row background to red. I check those Q’s: Colouring table row in JavaFX But it does help. So I can
