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parameterized test constructor of junit java error message: Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor

I can really use some help with this parameterized test case I am trying to create. No matter what kind of constructor I create the IDE gives an error message. Here is my code: I have tried different ways of creating a 1 parameter, 2, and no parameter constructors. But I have never seen this type of issue or what

android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling

We are facing getting a BadParceableException and we have no idea why. Above is the stacktrace: We saw some similars errors here in stackoverflow, but no one actually worked for us. The exception is saying that the error happens at “super(in)”, in this class: private static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { int mSelectedPosition; } Does anyone have any idea to

Spring boot / Java, mongodb SSL / TLS connectivity

I have two projects where I use spring boot + mongodb. In one project the spring boot version is 1.4.1.RELEASE and other project is 2.1.3.RELEASE. I have certificate(s), key in PEM format to onboard into truststore and keystore – One server certificate chain and other a client certificate and private key. I programmatically load the certificates into truststore and keystore.

How to remember Value in andorid studio?

I have created a login page which users can just enter their username (No passowrd or auth needed) and it will be displayed on the next activity. But every time you open the app you have to enter your …
