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Tag: parameterized-unit-test

parameterized test constructor of junit java error message: Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor

I can really use some help with this parameterized test case I am trying to create. No matter what kind of constructor I create the IDE gives an error message. Here is my code: I have tried different ways of creating a 1 parameter, 2, and no parameter constructors. But I have never seen this type of issue or what

Parameterize both class and tests in JUnit 5

Is there a way to parameterize both test class (like you could do with Parameterized and @Parameters in JUnit 4) and test methods (like you could do with JUnitParams in JUnit 4 or with @ParameterizedTest in JUnit 5)? I need to get the Cartesian product of the parameters in the end. Example of a partial test for java.nio.ByteBuffer using the
