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Tag: spring

Getting Below Jackson exception while building the project

Getting Below build exception while migrating the Springboot project from spring 1.1.1 release to 2.3.12 release . Please help here. Answer This issue seems to be related to a version mismatch. This method was removed some time ago. There is a closed issue for this on swagger plug-in Migrating this difference in versions, I think spring is now shipped

Unable to add boolean value to contextProperties map of JAXBDataBinding in cxf beans xml

I am trying to set com.sun.xml.bind.treatEverythingNillable property to true as mentioned in document. But is throwing error. How can I set the com.sun.xml.bind.treatEverythingNillable to Boolean TRUE Object? Error Windows 10 + JDK8 + Tomcat 8.75 + JAXB 3.3.10 Answer Copy / pasting the answer from the ticket ( The problem is that you initialize this property with string value

enabling Elasticsearch in JHipster results in UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘userService’

I’ve been trying to build an app with JHipster that can use some advanced filtering, in particular ElasticSearch. Why does it fail when I run it out of the box, without even editing the project ? I am running the following software in Windows 10: Java v15.0.2 node v14.17.4 NPM 6.14.14 Same happens in Ubuntu with: Java v17.0.1 node v16.14.0

Spring-Boot MVC JPA Filters

Let me start by saying I’m fairly new to Spring Boot so apologies if I’m making a silly mistake somewhere. I am trying to retrieve the value of my form post using @RequestParam so I can utilize it in a JPA query to return kids who have a specific pet type. I’ve done other JPA queries and had successful results,

Using Set instead of List cause “Could not write JSON: Infinite recursion” exception

I was getting the error “Could not write JSON: Infinite recursion” when trying to access the endpoint http://localhost:8080/categoryOfPermissions. I’ve researched and found various solutions here (@JsonManagedReference / @JsonBackReference, @JsonIgnore, @JsonIdentityInfo), but none of them seemed to work. Finally, I found an answer stating that it was necessary to change from Set to List, in order for the @JsonIdentityInfo solution to

HTML to PDF with cyrillic characters

I’m making a Spring Boot application. I want to generate PDF from HTML code: As you can see there is a h3 tag with cyrillic symbols. The problem is that after conversion and saving the symbols are not presented in PDF (it’s simply empty, because there is nothing more in html code to be visible). Other symbols are being displayed

Spring: re-initialized a bean

This is my Spring bean in the configuration class that creates a gRPC ManagedChannel: The controller method is provided below: The service class is: For each request, I create a new ManagedChannel in the service method processRequest and shut it down using the method called shutdownManagedChannel. Earlier, I try to use the @Autowired for the managed channel as below: This
