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Tag: spring-boot-actuator

Spring Boot scheduled Runnable tasks continue executing even after server is shut down with an actuator

I’m currently developing a Spring-based web platform which makes use of several scheduled processes that access a central database. I wanted to introduce actuators for shutdown and restart. However, I am experiencing an issue: even though the shutdown request is accepted with a 200 response, the application context begins shutting down: And after that, I repeatedly get the following exception:* bug – Spring Boot Actuator

A bug in Spring Boot Actuator exists whereby if certain properties are used, doesn’t work in exposing the readiness endpoint at /readyz and the liveness endpoint at /livez. You get a whitelabel error page. This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Those properties include: I need to use the management

No qualifying bean of type ‘’ in controller test

I wrote a controller which combines actuator info. In my test I get an error No qualifying bean of type ‘’. How can I actiavate default spring actuator beans in controller test(@SpringBootTest/@WebMvcTest)? Answer I guess I’m narrowing down the context is the answer to your question: Spring includes only the controller into its context skipping everything else. Try to include

ActiveMQ batch consumer

I have a requirement to consume the messages from the ActiveMQ topic and persist them in mongo. I am wondering if there is a way/configuration for consuming the messages in batch from the topic instead of reading messages one by one and making a DB call for every message. I am imagining the end solution will do something like: Consumes

What package is the actuator base path stored?

I am looking to log all of my Spring-Boot project’s request. My pointcuts work fine for my programming, and I can get the sub paths, but not the base actuator path. com.example.demo…(..) – This works for my programming org.springframework.boot.actuate…(..) – This works for paths like http://localhost:8080/actuator/info or http://localhost:8080/actuator/health. This works None of my pointcuts work for just “http://localhost:8080/actuator” with no

Consul Health indicator not showing in SpringBoot’ actuator health endpoint

I have a SpringBoot based web application that exposes a consul health indicator bean. The bean is correctly created and initialized by springboot’s autoconfiguration, yet, the indicator is not showing in the actuator health endpoint despite the fact that the associated configuration property “” is set to true: Upon further inspection, I found the bellow snippet that is responsible for

Spring actuator ‘/auditevents’ endpoint returns 404

I am getting a 404 error when invoking /actuator/auditevents endpoint. Upon closer look, I see that available endpoint listing doesn’t include /auditevents endpoint. pom.xml dependencies management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* http://localhost:8080/actuator output Spring-boot version: 2.2.6.RELEASE Not sure whether I am missing any required configuration. Answer Auditing can be enabled by providing a bean of type AuditEventRepository in your application’s configuration. Try to add

Why is the shutdown endpoint not enabled in my application?

I am trying to add a shutdown endpoint actuator/shutdown in my Spring application as explained in this tutorial so that I can gracefully shutdown the application using a call like curl -X POST localhost:8080/actuator/shutdown. I added to my pom.xml and to src/main/resources/application.yaml. But when I run curl -X POST localhost:8080/actuator/shutdown, I get the following response: I don’t see the shutdown
