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Tag: activemq

ActiveMQ – Applications unable to connect for a minute on localhost. Eventual reconnect using failover

I’m running an ActiveMQ broker (version 5.15.12 and later downgraded to 5.15.8) on a windows server on which several local applications are running that are connecting. During heavier than average load on ActiveMQ, it happens regularly that the initial connection to ActiveMQ cannot be made by the applications (all (10) application seem to be affected evenly). On average, the web

Difference between “camel-activemq” vs “activemq-camel”

We are upgrading our system to newest stable frameworks/libraries. However, i found difficulty in understand between these two camel-activemq vs activemq-camel. Below are details: We are upgrading ActiveMQ to 5.16.2 version. Here AMQ provides “activemq-camel” libraries with its own camel dependencies like: Also, we are planning to migrate a service which runs on camel-2.x to 3.11.3. Here i see camel

ActiveMQ batch consumer

I have a requirement to consume the messages from the ActiveMQ topic and persist them in mongo. I am wondering if there is a way/configuration for consuming the messages in batch from the topic instead of reading messages one by one and making a DB call for every message. I am imagining the end solution will do something like: Consumes

Spring and JMS DynamicDestinationResolution

I am using the latest Spring 4 and ActiveMQ to put JMS messages on a queue. Using the JMSTemplate, I have a default queue, and the sample code I have lets me put a message on the default queue with no issues. There is also a sample code that lets me put a message on a Destination … this is

Better way to wait to receive Async messages in ActiveMQ

I have used ActiveMQ to Send messages and Receive them Asynchronously. There, I’m having a problem with deciding the best way to waiting in the for messages. Sleeping thread in a loop is one option. But it feels doesn’t look good for me. Can anyone suggest a better way for this. Answer There are two ways to process/consume

ActiveMQ get queue size without using JMX, JMS

I need a way for getting queue size in ActiveMQ without using JMX or Iterate all queue using JMS. Is there any solution for getting queue size using ActiveMQ API. Answer There is no API in JMS for querying the broker for stats, that goes against the concept of decoupling the client from each other and the intermediate broker. ActiveMQ

Spring JMS(ActiveMQ) delayed delivery of messages

We’re trying to set a delay on some JMS messages, so that a message will only be added to the queue/ received by the listener after x time. So far we’ve tried 2 approaches that didn’t work. 1) According to the spring documentation, we can set the delivery delay on the JMSTemplate. This is the sample code we tried: However,
