I know how to implement and use a decorator pattern without Spring. Because in this pattern you yourself control the process of creating components and you can perform dynamic behavior adding. Below is an example of implementation without using Spring: I am interested in how to implement the same example but with the help of spring beans. Because I don’t
Tag: spring-boot
Accessing spring bean proxy reference itself
I have an issue with @Cacheable and @CacheEviction annotations. When I call these methods in the bean where they are declared, the aop part is not getting executed. The underlying reason for this is that the bean access to its own instance itself, instead of accessing the spring proxy. I have read this question where it is said that in
Unit Test or Integration Test in Spring Boot
I looked various tutorial online related to testing in Spring Boot and got confused by the way the tests were referred. Some articles refer to controller tests that use @WebMvcTest annotation as …
H2 – Oracle – liquibase – org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found;
I try to add H2 for testing purpose into Spring Boot application-test.yml, my production Db is Oracle. I want to populate H2 schema by liquibase, but I receive following error: Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found; SQL statement: My config is following: How to adjust config aboive, I spent few hours, but can not figure out how to make
Spring Boot Application not starting. Error: Stopping Service [Tomcat]
I am not able to run my Spring Boot application with embedded Tomcat. It was working fine till now and I did not make any changes in configuration. When i run the application as Spring Boot App in eclipse the tomcat stops immediately during startup. I tried restarting machine, eclipse, refreshing project, recreate the .m2 repositories but it did not
Create @MockBean with qualifier by annotating class?
In my Spring Boot test I’m using 2 mock beans with different qualifiers: Since I’m not using these beans explicitly, I would rather move them away from the class body, as the @MockBean annotation is now repeatable: However, I need to pass in a qualifier as well, since they have the same type. Any idea on how I can achieve
I cannot @Spy Object in Cucumber Spring Boot Test in two Steps Definitions
I’m having a problem running cucumber test with Spring Boot 2. I have two steps definitions and in both clases I try to spy an object with mockito trying to capture the argument passed to one method of this class. The point is that since Cucumber only allows one Spring Application Context Configuration I’ve created an abstract class to configure
How to specify Java version in Spring/Spring Boot pom.xml?
What is the correct way of specifying Java 11 as the version to be used in Spring (or Spring Boot) pom.xml file? I.e., what value do I need to put in the java.version property of the pom? For Java 8 we use 1.8, just like the documentation shows, for Java 9 it’s 1.9. I’m not sure if Java 11 would
MapStruct is not generating implementation classes
I am using Mapstruct and Lombok with maven and IDEA and it is refusing to generate mappers implementation. Config: Both Mapstruct and Lombok are registered as annotations processors with idea: Implementation files does not generate when I try to build with IDEA or if I try maven clean install. I have tried changing Java from 11 to 8 and it
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:
My spring boot application communicate to a remote https url and it gives the above mentioned error while hitting a POST request. I went through multiple stackoverflow posts for the same topic. Installed/imported required certificates using keytool and restarted JVM. But that didn’t resolve my issue. The error message is the same, however the root cause is different here apart