Lets say we have: a list of URLs, that is a source for our Multi as a first step we grab HTML of this page using HTTP client call then we try to find some specific tag and grab its content then we store things we found into database Now we have a 3 steps here. Is there a way
Tag: quarkus
Panache with MongoDB find distinct
I have documents with “tags” arrays as properties. Now I want to query all distinct tag-items. Solution in mongo shell: which gives me: But how can I achieve the same result with Panache? The PanacheMongoEntity does not offer a specific distinct method. Nor do i know how to use the find method to achieve my goal or if it even
Can’t find io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwtBuilder when starting project in a docker container
When starting my Quarkus project locally with mvn quarkus:dev I have no errors when executing a function which utilizes JJWT. However when I export my project into a docker container it gives me an error stating that it can’t find DefaultJwtBuilder. When dockerizing my project I first execute ./mvnw package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true as stated in the Quarkus docs for creating
QUARKUS – MicroProfile REST Client: add a custom, not mapped field
I am following this article https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client to build a REST Client to parse the output from the restcountries.eu service. Here the class holding the model: Now, suppose I would like to add a custom fields such as timestamp, to record the instant when this object has been created. I imagine, I would go ahead and add another field like below:
Access user info from SecurityIdentity using quarkus-oidc
I am using quarkus-oidc with keycloak and I have the following resource My quarkus configurations is the following I am calling the query as follow The content of the jwt is How can I access the user info stored in the token using quarkus oidc? I’ have seen that there is an option quarkus.oidc.authentication.user-info-required=true which will be calling the keycloak
Using MapStruct together with Lombok under Quarkus
I’m following the guide at the MapStruct blog and having trouble using this 3 technology together. I’ve been trying several approaches from the MapStruct docs, bug-reports, posts from here but in every case I end up receiving the following exception during the build. Have anyone successfully used MapStruct together with Lombok under Quarkus? Any help is appreciated. Strangely the first
Dependency injection with @Inject and Interface in Quarkus
I’m trying to resolve dependency injection with Repository Pattern using Quarkus 1.6.1.Final and OpenJDK 11. I want to achieve Inject with Interface and give them some argument(like @Named or @Qualifier ) for specify the concrete class, but currently I’ve got UnsatisfiedResolutionException and not sure how to fix it. Here is the my portion of code. UseCase class: Repository Interface: Repository
Optaplanner and Quarkus solver config update
I’m working on a project with quarkus and optaplanner, and I’m trying to access and modify the configuration of the solver, to add heuristics, change search algorithm etc. I’m using a solverJob and a …
Quarkus classLoader conflicts
I am facing an error while trying to build my quarkus app. It seems to be related to the fact that there are two class loaders that have different class objects for javax/xml/namespace/QName as it is noticed in this part of the stack-trace : Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving field “DATETIME” the class loader (instance of io/quarkus/bootstrap/classloading/QuarkusClassLoader)
“dev” config overrides “test” config in Quarkus
In my Quarkus application, I don’t want passwords to be versionned by Git. I don’t have any issue with the prod profile because I have a config file in $PWD/config/application.properties. Fine. For the dev profile, I’m using the .env approach which contains properties such as : I’m trying to setup tests and I need some separate conf for tests. So