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Tag: microservices

Microservices communication with optional parameters requests

I have a room service which returns detail for rooms when requesting http://localhost:8082/room/search/byRoomChar Now I want to request this @GetMapping from the booking service since this is the application gateway that users are going to interact with using the http://localhost:8081/booking/search/byRoomChar. Room entity code: Room repository code: However, this does not work because when omitting parameters when calling the getmapping from

Spring POST Method Microservice 500 exception

So, im trying to write a microservice with basic GET POST PUT DELETE commands. Its a Spring Maven Java programm with a mysql server When I try to post something it works, however if I dont include the Id it returns an exception: This is weird, because in the mysql console I can Insert a customer without the id, it

Multiple RestTemplate calls for each Id in a List

I need to make multiple RestTemplate calls for each of the Id in a List<Ids>. What is the best way to perform this? I have used parallelStream(). Below code snippet is a similar scenario. employeeService.fetchEmployeedetails is a kind of restCall which will fetch all the employeeDetails. Is there any other way to tune the performance? Answer .parallelStream() does not guarantee

Uni.combine().all().unis() v.s. Multi..onItem().transformToMultiAndConcatenate().collect()

In my Quarkus service, I need to fetch a list of results from external service, and I figured out there are two methods to achieve the same goal: 1st approach based on Uni.combine().all(): 2nd approach based on Multi..onItem().transformToMultiAndConcatenate().collect() In the beginning I don’t think there exists any true difference between the two approaches, as Uni are evaluated lazily and either
