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Tag: kubernetes

How to specify role at node level within Akka cluster?

Given the following appliction.conf : To discern between the roles within an Actor I use : edited from src ( To enable role for a node I use the following config : Within application.conf I configure the array for the roles but this appears to be at the cluster level rather than node level. In other words it does not

how to get the Node CPU% and MEMORY% value using java io.fabric8 kubernetes-client library

kubectl top nodes NAME                      CPU(cores)   CPU%  MEMORY(bytes)  MEMORY%  gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000000 934m       24%     10439Mi       82% gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000001 717m       18%     9132Mi         72% gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000002 1099m         28%     7614Mi       60% how

Name or Service not Known when calling service via spring boot in Openshift Container Platform (a cloud-based Kubernetes container platform)

I have an application which consists of a backend (spring boot) and a search engine (elasticsearch). After I deployed it into OCP, Initially I tested the connection between the two using the command “curl” to elasticsearch service (https://service-name.namespace.svc.cluster.local:9200) from backend pod and it worked. Here’s the picture: However, when I try to access elasticsearch from within the deployed backend application,

How to handle Kafka container lifecycle using spring kafka in Kubernetes multipod deployment

I am using Spring kafka implementation and I need to start and stop my kafka consumer through an REST API. For that i am using KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry endpointRegistry endpointRegistry.getListenerContainer(“consumer1”).stop(); endpointRegistry.getListenerContainer(“consumer1”).start(); We are deploying the microservice on kubernetes pod so there might be multiple deployments for the same microservice. how could i manage to start and stop the consumer on all the

Spring Cloud LoadBalancer is currently working with the default cache. You can switch to using Caffeine cache, by adding it to the classpath

Small question regarding a warning. I have a Spring Boot 2.4.2 + Spring Cloud app deployed in Kubernetes. It it behaving well, very happy about it. As the app is calling up to a large number in Kubernetes, I just decided to bring in the spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes-fabric8 dependency. And really, the discovery part is really all that matter. Config via Config

Google Cloud Java SDK with Workload Identity?

Trying to figure out how to authenticate with the storage API from within a GKE cluster. Code: getApplicationDefault() is documented to use these means to authenticate with the API: Credentials file pointed to by the {@code GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} environment variable Credentials provided by the Google Cloud SDK {@code gcloud auth application-default login} command Google App Engine built-in credentials Google Cloud Shell

Connect to an azure iot hub from inside a kubernetes cluster via amqp over websockets

we are trying to communicate to an azure iothub via amqp over websocket from a java docker container inside an azure kubernetes cluster. Sadly it seems, that the container cant establish a connection while locally or even on another virtual machine (where only docker is installed) the container run successfully. The network policies rules should allow all necessary protocols and
