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Tag: java

Spring boot – Cannot turn off logging

I am trying to turn off the console output in STS for a spring boot application using the file. Setting the value logging.level.root does seem to have some effect but I can never turn it off completely and nor can I turn off the auto configuration report output. The banner does get turned off by the property spring.main.banner-mode. For

Apache Mina SFTP SftpSubsystem.Factory()

I am trying to setup a simple SFTP server using Apache Mine SSHD v1.2.0. I have looked at several examples on the web E.g. here, here and here. However they all have the same line in common which I cannot get NetBeans to resolve. NetBeans tells me that it cannot find Factory in SftpSubsystem. The line in question looks as

JNativeHook Post a native key event

I tried to post a new native key pressing to the system using the java library The method Needs to get passed a NativeInputEvent object, which needs the Parameters An instance of Global Screen Two integers and one long Based on the documentation I can’t figure out what the required parameters are and how to for example initialize a

Spring Boot not recognizing file

I’m trying to configure a DynamoDb client with Spring Boot, and placed my endpoints and configuration information in my resources/ file. However, Spring Boot does not seem to pick up these properties. It does pick up the “server.default” key that I have stored in the same file, so it is definitely recognizing the the file itself. Here is my
