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Tag: java

Java Invalid maximum heap size

I just installed Ubuntu 64Bit on my VServer and JRE build 1.7.0_67-b01. If I want to run a java jar-file it says Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. java -help says java version “1.7.0_67” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_67-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server

Java POS printer error

I’m novice to Java, and I’m developing POS application using java. I bought an Epson POS printer for this project. Printer model is EPSON TM-U220. I’ve installed JavaPos and, my code snippet as follows. but when running I get this error. Appreciate if anyone could help me with this problem. Here is the jpos.xml file Answer I’ve solved it my

Unwanted quotes in substituted freemarker template fields

I’m generating contents out of a Freemarker template but I get quoted values in my substituted fields. For JSON object In template: I get While I want The Object I feed it with is a JsonNode-tree obtained by Mapping my object with Jackson annotations: Processor: I have the feeling I’m missing some kind of configuration? Answer FreeMarker doesn’t add the

The object-oriented approach to a many-to-many relationship

I’m battling at the moment in trying to understand how to approach this issue in an object-oriented way. With a many-to-many relationship such as Students-Subjects, where each student gets a mark for a certain subject, assuming the following: I want to be able to display all the marks for a given student. I want to display all the marks from Trust anchor for certification path not found. Android 2.3

In my server (production server), I have a goDaddy ssl certificate. I have both iOS and Android apps connecting with the server, iOS connecting with no problems, android with versions 4.* everything is good, but with devices with 2.3.* I always get a SSLHandshakeException. I did exactly like on Android Developers page ( I already saw similar threads here in

Spring JMS(ActiveMQ) delayed delivery of messages

We’re trying to set a delay on some JMS messages, so that a message will only be added to the queue/ received by the listener after x time. So far we’ve tried 2 approaches that didn’t work. 1) According to the spring documentation, we can set the delivery delay on the JMSTemplate. This is the sample code we tried: However,

Removing values from a custom LinkedList class

This custom class mimics the functionality of Java’s LinkedList Class except it only takes integers and obviously lacks most of the functionality. For this one method, removeAll(), I am to go through each node for the list and remove all nodes with that value. My problem is that when the first node in the list contains the value to be
