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Tag: intellij-idea

Intellij Idea fails to start with VPN enabled

I am having a trouble with launching Intellij Idea Ultimate Edition 2021.1.2 (also tried 2020.3.1) with VPN enabled (I am using GlobalProtect) on Windows 10. I’ve been working on this setup for quite a long time, but recently something went wrong with no obvious changes made. So, after launching Intellij Idea I get an error window with following: After I

How to Convert Point2D.Double’s to use aritmetic operator >

I have this code: What I wanted to do is use the > arithmetic operation in Point2D.Double object. But as the following error says I cannot use arithmetic operators in Point2D.Double elements. How can I modify my code to work with > operator and other aritmetic operators without changing the input elements of the function getMedianX? Answer The error is

UndeclaredThrowableException for custom Exceptions

I’m currently working on a project running a jboss backend server (server-ear:ear exploded artefact) and a java gui (java 11) as frontend. The backend contains a java service bean which accesses a database server and throws a custom exception (extends exceptions), if the variable is not found. The GUI catches the custom exceptions with a try and catch block. The

JSON file not copied to target folder

In my java project, I have a .json file which I have placed in resource folder. When I am trying to read this .json file in my main class using the getResourceAsStream() method, I am getting a FileNotFoundException. I checked that under folder target > classes this .json file is not present. I am not sure why this .json file

Cucumber feature file isn’t bound to glue path

I am trying to set up a simple Cucumber project to run with Selenium (The Selenium bits are irrelevant so I removed them). The structure is as follows: sayHiTest.feature: Trying to run testRunner yields the following error: For some reason, it doesn’t see automated.SayHiTestStepdefs (It prints the same error if I changed its name to say, abc.SayHiTestStepdefs). I

Intellij doesn’t recognize package

i got this sample solution from my Professor, but somehow it isn’t working. IntelliJ does not recognize the packages. That’s the case for every class. When I hover over it it says: “Package name ‘spaceman.view.util’ does not correspond to the file path ‘view.util’ ” Has anyone any idea what could be wrong? I’m a total beginner when it comes to

Cannot pull origin dev due to unrelated conflict in Git

I pull a branch (let’s say issue-100) from origin for review and after review I switched to local dev branch without modifying this issue-100 branch. There are some conflicts with this branch, but I did not touch it and just create a new branch after pulling dev branch from origin. But, interestingly, Git gives “Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and
