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Tag: intellij-idea

Intellij cannot see the path /usr/share/java

I’m trying to set up the mysql-connector to work with intellij on my Pop OS. I know it is located on /usr/share/java but when I go in “Select Library Files” to search for it, the ide cannot find this path. Any suggestions? Answer Snap/flatpack packaging systems are limiting IDE access to certain folders and files. It’s recommended to use the

“No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories” error on running Spring Boot jar artifact

I use openjdk 14.0.2, Gradle 7.1.1 and IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2. I have a Spring Boot project and can run it successfully. Now I want to create an executable jar file. This is build.gradle: I built main.jar artifact like it is described here; but executing this command: causes this error: For solving the problem I tried what is described here by

How to configure Intellij toString() template to align with Eclipse

Recently we moved to IntelliJ and using it for JAVA, earlier we were using Eclipse, we are able to configure the IntelliJ code format setting same as Eclipse except for toString(). toString() output in POJO is very different from eclipse as shown below, toString() in IntelliJ toString() in Eclipse Question Is there any way/setting through which I can make IntelliJ

Intellij cannot resolve method even though it is public (Java)

I have googled this a lot, invalidated the cache, and I can’t seem to find an answer. For background, this is a timetabling system using constraint solving. I have a custom class called Period with public methods getStart() and getEnd(). I also have an abstract class Constraint<V, D> and a subclass DemAvailConstratint<Demonstrator, Period>. It is in this subclass (and similarly

Intellij can’t read images in resources subfolder

So I have a maven project in intellij and I want to load images from the resources folder. It works perfectly for files that are directly in resources/. However, files that are in subfolder (for example resources/images/) are not found. In this example, logo.png is correctly loaded while logo1.png is not found : I could put all my files directly
