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Tag: intellij-idea

Intellij not recognizing wrong return type

I have this method: Now my IDE complains (as expected, and which is correct) about this line, because the return type is supposed to be CacheResult What I currently dont understand, is that the IDE (IntelliJ) is not complaining about this: Which is actually wrong. What am I missing here? Answer This works because T gets inferred as an intersection

Checking Run time in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Can I use InteliJ Ultimate’s profiler to see how long it takes for a method to be executed? Answer Two particularly helpful tools for examining the program at runtime are the debugger and profilers. The debugger is very precise and gives you full and granular control over the execution of the program, which allows you to reproduce intricate failure conditions.

IntelliJ 2021.2.2 gives error ‘java: error: invalid source release: 18’ when compiling program

I’ve looked trough many answers here on so but haven’t found anything helpful. I am using java version 16.0.1 My program doesn’t use maven or gradle. The program worked fine until I updated my ij earlier today. Full error: Here are the files from .idea and the .iml file:!AoGu278qdPOWgm-D3ns61-gqA4Ts?e=OWg0NB Please tell if you need any more information (: Answer

Is there API of IDEA communicating with JCEF’s webview when developing IDEA’s plugin?

I am currently preparing for developing an IDEA plugin involving webview containing some information. Since I have developed a VSCode extension of similar functionalities and it uses many webviews, I plan to migrate those HTML to IDEA’s plugin by JECF. However, the functionalities require some interaction with the extension/plugin, as in VSCode I could click some elements of the webview
