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Tag: intellij-idea

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: superclass access check class apache (in module x) that cannot access another apache class (in mod y)

I’m new to modularized java 16 projects as well as using the maven build system whilst trying to implement the program using IntelliJ, JAVAFX and APACHE POI-OOXML. For simplicity, I am implementing a button’s event handler that instantiates a class that is responsible for using Apache: ControllerCode The problem then happens here: line 24 of this code Here is the

Cannot open index page in Thymeleaf, getting 404 in Intellij IDEA

I’ve created simple demo for Spring boot and Thymeleaf, but I cannot open index page. Controller code: Having index template in /src/main/resources/templates/index.html Having server.port=9095 And going to the address http://localhost:9095/ And getting error: Spring boot class is: and pom.xml contains spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf and spring-boot-starter-web. Answer As described in following answer, Intellij IDEA had outdated dependencies, so helped buttons Reload all

PostgreSql unable to resolve table user

My problem is that intellij raise an error that unable to resolve table user. Table is created in database it can be seen in database in Intellij but it looks like compiler doesn’t have an access to it. Did someone have similiar problem? enter image description here Answer If you can confirm that the table exists and you connect to

Java Swing – Show multiple panels

I’m using the Java Swing UI Designer in IntelliJ 🙁 I designed something in the designer using multiple panels and spacers with 1 parent panel. When I add the main panel, the first one inside it shows, but the others don’t. Frame structure: Panel1 GradientPanel Panel Spacers What I designed What I get Answer First you need to know that
