I used to see the option “update controller” in the menu after right-clicking on an FXML file generated by scene builder in a JavaFX project but now it disappeared, how to make that appear? Answer The FXML Manager plugin might be what you are looking for: go to File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Marketplace and search & install FXML
Tag: intellij-idea
How to Remote debug of java application running as docker container in Intellij
In the below example since I have many environment variables I cannot directly run ENTRYPOINT with java -jar command option. Instead I have used entrypoint.sh Dockerfile entrypoint.sh docker-compose.yaml In the below snapshot we can see when the service is started with debugging enabled when running sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :9251 shows The docker is running in a linux box
How can I specify the order of imports in intellij IDEA?
Intellij keeps reordering my imports like so: Whereas our maven checkstyle wants the order like so: I should also point out, that this doesn’t apply to all the imports, only some of them. I’d like to set it so intellij organises all packages that end with a * to be sorted above fully qualified imports on the same path? So
Can we debug deployed azure function from intellij?
I have developed a Java azure function and deployed it through IntelliJ(with Azure toolkit plugin support). I can do local run/debug on the function app from ide, as it nicely supports local run/debug. Now the question is, Is there any way to debug code(or jar) that is deployed on Azure function(not sure if this has to be called remote debugging)?
java cannot find symbol class Generated
Hello guys my problem is I generate QClasses with querydsl everything generate nice but if I want run project build failed because cant find symbol. Before that it worked well and suddenly without changing the pom.xml so it not work. I’ve had this problem before, and if I remember correctly, I fixed it by being in an intellij idea I
Intellij ignores java Compiler additional compiler options
I have a java 11 project which has some native functions. I am trying to generate the corresponding Header-files by adding ‘-h myDir’ to the additional compiler options in Intellij but it seems like IntelliJ does not even look for those. I am going to: Files > Setting > Build,Execution,Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler > Additional Command line parameter
Replace external jar dependency with local intellij project
So I have an intellij IDEA project (project A) which includes a bunch of external jar libraries. I am currently working on one of those external jar libraries (project B) and I want to replace it with the local project (project B) on my computer. So, in short: I have Project A which depends on jar B I want to
Java servlet web.xml file cannot resolve the class in the tag in IntelliJ
I am writing a simple web service and have put my web.xml file in the WEB-INF folder. For some reason everything in the servlet-class tag is coming up as “cannot resolve class MyServlet”. The class MyServlet is in the src folder under root directory. I cannot figure out why as to why this is happening. Answer I needed to mark
Keyboard shortcut to create new instance of object in java
I was wondering is there is a keyboard shortcut (in IntelliJ) for creating a new instance of an object. e.g. when I type PersonObject personObject = new PersonObject, is there a way to type this faster? Instead of writing it out, or using autocomplete. Answer The Answer by racraman looks like a good one. An alternative is to type part
Java cannot find symbol for imported scala class
I received a Scala jar and need to write a java program to use a method. The imported Scala method definitely works because it has been in production for years. here is the program: Decompiled Scala code: Here are observations: Error message: cannot find symbol constructor VerifyApp() location: class com.company.VerifyApp Just a note that this location is correct VerifyApp, from