I am polling tweets from twitter using Twitter4j and I am trying to filter hashtags from it after I take text from it I turn it into strings now I have this String: “892698363371638784:RT @hikids_ksa: اللعبة خطيرة مرا ويبي لها مخ و تفكير و مهارة👌🏻💡 متوفرة في #متجر_هاي_كيدز_الالكتروني ..” I want to remove متجر_هاي_كيدز_الالكتروني as it has Hashtag after it
Inject html into thymeleaf template
I have thymeleaf templates lying in database, First I retrieve template and process it: So now processedTemplate contains html as a String. Then I retrieve another template and do basically the same, but I want also inject previous template into it, so the java code should look like: So what should I put into my mainTemplate to be able to
The recovery of .p2 folder. Eclipse is not gettting start
In windows, I deleted .p2 forlder due to some personal reason. Since luncher for eclipse was present in .p2 folder as below directory: –launcher.library C:UsersXXXX.p2poolpluginsorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.401.v20161122-1740 So eclipse is not getting started. Please can any body suggests how to recover the .p2 folder in windows 10 without re-install the eclipse. Eclipse version – Neon Answer Unfortunately this is not possible. By
How to make Spring server to start even if database is down?
I’m using a Spring Boot(1.4.7) & MyBatis. I cannot start program with errors when database is disconnected on Eclipse or Linux server. (Database is not located on localhost.) When I try to start program with disconnected database, print this. Is there any way? Thanks Answer You can set: in your application.properties. According to the Spring Boot 2.5.5 user guide: By
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/jsonwebtoken/SignatureAlgorithm
i have the following code that tries to create a jwt token. there will always be an error as shown below whenever it tries to execute SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.HS256; I have manually deleted the jwt jar file and update maven again to reinstall the jar but the issue still persist. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Error Log java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Android Room Persistence Library : What is the best way to implement a many to many relation?
I used to use Realm and I am currently testing Room in order to compare both tools. I am trying to implement the following many to many relation : Here my Entity classes : The Person : @Entity(…
Struts2.5.12 – NPE while using getText method from ActionSupport
I am migrating a project from Struts 2.3.3 to Struts 2.5.12 and I see NullPointerException when using the getText method from ActionSupport class. My action class extends ActionSupport class. I have package.properties file also packaged in the war file. My action class looks like: And in package.properties file I have I see the below exception when the bean for my
(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into CategoryModel.createdDate
While working on model class i face an following warning :– My model Class Description of the warning:– Returning a reference to a mutable object value stored in one of the object’s fields exposes the internal representation of the object. If instances are accessed by untrusted code, and unchecked changes to the mutable object would compromise security or other important
Can I specify *source* IP address for a JDBC connection?
I have a Java application that connects to a database with a JDBC driver. It happens to be a Postgres instance, but I’m looking for a general solution if it exist. The server on which the application runs has multiple IP address, all in the same subnet. The JDBC connection is established using the ‘primary’ IP of the server. I
How to read date (Timestamp) from MongoDB using Java
Am trying to read date field from MongoDB in below format In the result 2017-01-23 22:16:07.000000, instead of 000 it should be the 812 (Original value: 2017-01-23- Note: Using MongoDB Java driver 3.4. Thank you in advance! Bharathi Answer You can use Java’s SimpleDateFormat to format the date accordingly. For example, assuming you inserted the date in MongoDB using the