I know Jobs can be submit to JobManager by flink or flink.bat. I wanna know whether Flink provides Java API to submit jobs to JobManager? Answer Yes. Depending on the type of cluster you want to connect, there are several implementations of the ClusterClient (https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/api/java/org/apache/flink/client/program/ClusterClient.html). It can run jobs either in a blocking (synchronous) or detached (asynchronous) fashion. One way
Create array which stores odds from -6 to 38 in java
I’m learning Java and I found an exercise which I can’t solve, in the Arrays chapter. The exercise says: Write code that creates an array named odds and stores all odd numbers between -6 and 38 …
Why do I get MissingResourceException
Why does this throw a MissingResourceException ? Am I mistaken or is that not the point of ListResourceBundles is to provide the resources in code? in a seperate file: My Error: Answer When you get an error, and try to understand the reason, the first step is always to read the stack trace of the error. In this case, the
What’s the default value for maven-surefire-plugin’s forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds?
forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds can be set to 0 in order to prevent forked test VMs from being assumed dead after the specified time. What’s the default value for this property? The documentation doesn’t specify it, the XML autocompletion in NetBeans says undefined which doesn’t make sense because only setting it to a specified value or 0 does. A superficial look in the
How to catch non-MVC and non-REST exceptions in Spring Boot
I’ve been able to find endless amounts of tutorials on how to catch unhandled exceptions in Spring MVC or Spring REST, but what I want to know is how to catch unhandled exceptions without using the Spring Web framework at all. I am writing an application which does not have a web component, and I am not going to import
Writing unit test for @Nonnull annotated parameter
I have a method like this one: I would like to write a unit test to make sure foo() throws an NPE when value is null but I can’t since the compiler refuses to compile the unit test when static null pointer flow analysis is enabled in IDE. How do I make this test compile (in Eclipse with “Enable annotation-based
@PreUpdate doesn’t save parent object when it’s updated
I have two entities with relation one to many. Parent can have several Child entity instances. I added a field to the parent that stores the date of children modifications(childrenLastModifiedDate). To maintain that, I added method: Here is the problem. It’s not always invoke when the child is saved. Locally(mac os), it works as expected, all three types of changes
Spring Boot Oauth2 Extending DefaultTokenServices
I have an OAuth2 implementation that is working fine for the grant type = password. Now I need to add a logic of restricting the same user/password combination to be allowed to login again if the user …
Gradle – Error Could not find method implementation() for arguments [com.android.support:appcompat-v7:26.0.0]
I am trying to open existing android project in android studio and it gradle cannot build the app without the error Error android studio keeps on throwing My Code in build.gradle Which can help to understand my issue My dependencies Please help to solve the issue Answer Replace compile with implementation. compile was recently deprecated and replaced by implementation or
Java: Find out if a number is prime recursively
I’m writing a function that returns true if a number is prime, and false otherwise Here is my current code: It works for a lot of test cases except numbers like “1000000007” where I get an Out of memory error. How could I tweak this code to be more efficient space-wise? Answer The first problem I see is that your