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How to bypass corporate firewall/proxy for Maven

I have been trying to create a new Maven Project in Eclipse (I am using Windows 10), however when the project is created, it shows: When looking at the POM.xml, it shows.. I tried deleting the .m2 folder and Right-click project -> Maven -> Update Project.. It shows me.. In one solution from another SO post, it mentions the possibility

Exceptions or null in java

I have the next doubt. According to good practices of java, how to manage the cases in which the object can not be found and we want to know why. For example, if someone has problems logging in our system and we want to inform them exactly what is the problem, we cannot return null because we lose the reason

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find implementation for

I need help with the following error: UserMapper interface has annotation. I use eclipse Neon with buildship plugin, org.mapstruct and spring are imported with Gradle. It works without this error on my colleague’s IntelliJ Code for UserMapper: From what I read it could do something with compiler failing to connect auto-generated code (Gradle does not set anything in AnnotationProcessing>FactoryPath) Answer

How to add to an existing MongoDB Bson Filter in Java

I’m using MongoDB 3.6.3 and the 3.6.0 Mongo & Bson drivers for Java. Given the following filter: I need to conditionally add another field to filter, effectively making it: Is there a way to do this by appending that field to filter, or do I have to create the filters separately? eg. Answer Filters.and() returns an instance of the private

Debezium flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors with MySQL

Using Debezium 0.7 to read from MySQL but getting flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors in the initial snapshot phase. Looking at the logs below it seems like the connector is trying to write too many messages in one go: Wonder what the correct settings are for sizeable databases (>50GB). I didn’t have this issue with smaller databases. Simply increasing

AWS S3 doesObjectExist costs

AWS S3 Java SDK provides a method doesObjectExist() to check if an object exists in S3. What operation does it use internally? Is it GET, LIST, or HEAD ? My concern is mainly related to its costs. From S3 documentation the costs of US west Oregon are- PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST Requests $0.005 per 1,000 requests GET, SELECT and
