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Tag: debezium

Debezium Interrupted while emitting initial DROP TABLE events

I’m trying to set up Debezium engine with MariaDB and ActiveMQ. I’m using Quarkus framework. I’m following the official documentation ( When I start the engine I get the following error: Not really sure why this happens and so far I’ve not been able to track down the source of the problem so any kind of help will be appreciated.

How to deserialize BigDecimal value received from kafka broker through debezium CDC mechanism?

I have a couple of microservices developed using spring boot and each has its own Postgres database. These microservices exchange data with a CDC mechanism provided by debezium platform through kafka broker and kafka connect. I have a microservice A that stores some entities with a BigDecimal attribute. Another microservice B depends on the data stored by A so it

Debezium flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors with MySQL

Using Debezium 0.7 to read from MySQL but getting flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors in the initial snapshot phase. Looking at the logs below it seems like the connector is trying to write too many messages in one go: Wonder what the correct settings are for sizeable databases (>50GB). I didn’t have this issue with smaller databases. Simply increasing
