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PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent deprecated in Spigot 1.16.1

I could not find a replacement for the deprecated PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent that is deprecated in the newest Spigot 1.16.1 Version. I already checked the docs, but could not find anything related to that. And no, I don’t want to use a @SuppressWarnings(“deprecation”) at the beginning of my event. Answer There is no replacement. Since 1.13 the client does not tell the

Android Emulator stays with black screen after trying a lot of things to fix it

My Android emulator starts but do not progress from the black screen, it happened from one day to another a few days after installing Android Studio 4.0. I tried the next things: Reinstall completely from zero Android Studio Installing/Uninstalling Android Emulator, Intel Xahm, Android Platform Tools Creating and deleting New devices in the avd Manager with differentes images of Android
