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Java has too many level symbolic links

Well,I was trying to install forge on my linux machine(Kali-Linux).While on the was I was and still am unable to access the forge file(.jar).Due to an issue in which there is a lack of a command called “java”. The current problem I am having is sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-16.0.1/bin/java 1 while using this command I get a response

Creating new instance of concrete implementation in interface – is this an antipattern?

Let’s say I have the interface AuthorDao with two different implementation classes for example MyAuthorDaoImpl1 and MyAuthorDaoImpl2. In my interface AuthorDao I have some basic crud methods and one extra method which is static for getting a new instance of MyAuthorDaoImpl1. It looks like this: Questions Is this static method getInstance() is not an anti-pattern? Because in my opinion we

FasterXml – JsonSerializer HashMap

I’m using jackson-databind version 2.12.3 to serialize the return of an object that should return like this: My classes are these: The return is myObject: However with the default ObjectMapper the “link.setField” is ignored and the returned json is: I tried doing some tests with JsonSerializer but couldn’t do something generic for all classes that extend HashMap (these classes are

400 Bad Request when using Spring Boot

I am sending a Http POST request to my RESTful API build with Spring Boot and get the “400 Bad Request” response. My POST request is made with Postman, send to with the body I want to pass the filename variable to my Java Method. My RESTful api is build in Java with Spring Boot I tried with and with

non-capturing group still shows?

I am trying to get the string starting from third / in a url. here is the url: I wish to get /2021/03/11/896459e4-875f-455a-a2cb-768c879555e7.png So I used the following regex (?://.+)/.+ ?: marks a non-capturing group, so // shouldn’t be matched. But when I test in, its result is // Why is that? Answer The reason the result

How to specify role at node level within Akka cluster?

Given the following appliction.conf : To discern between the roles within an Actor I use : edited from src ( To enable role for a node I use the following config : Within application.conf I configure the array for the roles but this appears to be at the cluster level rather than node level. In other words it does not
