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Tag: flyway

Flyway Repeatable Script Throwing Table Does Not Exist Error

I am currently trying to trim down my versioned scripts into one baseline script (we don’t pay for flyway so is a pain). So I deleted my schema and attempted to run my one big script that contains everything I had. I exported the DDL out of my DBeaver client. However when starting my applications I am getting this error:

Flyway did not create tables

I have been trying to create a web application using spring boot and flyway. The build tool is Gradle. However, when I try to run the program Flyway creates just one table named flyway_schema_hystory but doesn’t create a table from SQL script. Script V1__Create_all_tables.sql is on correct package src/main/resources/db/migration. Dependency in build.gradle was added, flyway properties were added in

flyway schema giving IllegalArgumentException

On running flyway schema I’m receiving this exception.using Java 8 with spring boot. Flyway is not able to initialize. Answer Check the flyway_schema_history table, there you will see that you have an entry with installed_rank value set to 0, delete the row and run your application again. This will sort the issue out.

Flyway can’t find classpath:db/migrations

I just started right now a new project in Intellij using Spring Boot ver 2.1.3 and Flyway 5.2.4 with Java 11. After try to start my project i got : I have the following folders: As you can see i have “db/migration” but without any migration, i just started right now. Debugging the class FlywayAutoConfiguration i got the following: So,

Flyway Migration with java

I learnt flywaydb migration with java works with JDBC connection and also spring support through SpringTemplate, but flyway doesn’t work with DAOs. for tables/entities with more relationships,it makes life much easier to do migration with DAO’s rather than sql. is there a solution or work-around to deal with this ? Answer First, Flyway has its own transaction managing system and
