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How to update the the bitmap image inside the FirebaseStorage in android without changing its downloadUrl in the realtimedatabase

I want to update the bitmap image inside the URL without changing its download URL in the real-time database because at uploading for the first time I have uploaded the image in the storage and stored it URL in the real time database now I want to update that image how should I approach this ?? above written code was

Is it possible to hook thread creation?

I am making a plugin system and i need to see when a plugin calls Thread.start() Is there a way similar to Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook but for hooking when a thread starts? Answer Byteman You can use Byteman to inject your own code into the thread.start() method. In fact, the first example to using Byteman with JVM classes on their website is

Why is this program giving “division by zero” error?

Give one point to A[i] if either A[i]%A[j] ==0 or A[j]%A[i] == 0 Calculating the total points received by every element. Input: A={2,3,4,5,6} Output: 2,1,1,0,2 I am getting this error message: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero Answer When you are running the code, this line: Can set count = 0. So when the value at slot 1

Unable to find Dateformat

I know this is a very silly question but I’m unable to find a suitable dateformatter for the given Date: 2020/04/01T20:00-05:00 or 2020/03/05T21:45-07:00. Any sort of help would be highly appreciated. Answer You can’t find one because that is a non-standard format. – is industry standard, using timezone offsets is outdated. Thus, you’d have to make it yourself. But this
