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Tag: lwjgl

Remove delay while pressing the second key LWJGL Java

I am running into a problem that I cannot find any solution for the moment even by searching on the internet. I am currently working on a 2D game and I want my player to go on every direction and diagonally. For that reason I need to get two inputs from the keyboard, thing that I could code but now

Proper framework for animating objects with lwjgl?

My goal is to draw and animate 2D UI elements on the screen. The problem is, I’m not exactly sure how I can animate it without taking up a lot of space doing so. This is what my method would look like to draw a red rectangle at 0, 0 with a width and height of 50 Now, what I

Lwjgl window not opening

So I trying out lwjgl but I’m having a problem, when I try to create a window I get an error I just can’t figure out why. I have tried to lower my java version from java 16 to 14 but that didn’t work. Main Class: when I run my main class I get this error (on java jdk 16):

LWJGL: glMapBuffer/Range what is the use of old buffer?

It prints out all zero’s but the new buffer contains the correct data which is fine. And if i specify null as parameter for the old buffer it works fine too. So is there any optimization/memory saving being done behind the scenes when using an non null old buffer? The output is the same for LWJGL 2.9.3 and 3.1.3 Answer

Problem with texture not showing in screen. OpenGL ES

I am newbie in opengl es 2 programming, I was trying to load a texture in png format in my test application. I used PNGDecoder to do this, but just the black rectangle and the line are show in the screen. What is wrong? Renderer: Fragment Shader: Vertex Shader: Square2D (is used to store vertex positions): Answer glVertexAttribPointer can be
