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Tag: textures

Problem with texture not showing in screen. OpenGL ES

I am newbie in opengl es 2 programming, I was trying to load a texture in png format in my test application. I used PNGDecoder to do this, but just the black rectangle and the line are show in the screen. What is wrong? Renderer: Fragment Shader: Vertex Shader: Square2D (is used to store vertex positions): Answer glVertexAttribPointer can be

How do I load a texture in LWJGL from a PNG without Slick?

I’m wondering how I would render a cube with a different PNG Texture on each side, and I’d like to stay away from other Third-Party Libraries other than LWJGL. Answer As of LWJGL3 bindings for the STB library have been included. This is a small single-file utility library that does things like loading textures, sound files or fonts. For rendering
