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Tag: opengl

Proper framework for animating objects with lwjgl?

My goal is to draw and animate 2D UI elements on the screen. The problem is, I’m not exactly sure how I can animate it without taking up a lot of space doing so. This is what my method would look like to draw a red rectangle at 0, 0 with a width and height of 50 Now, what I

Lwjgl window not opening

So I trying out lwjgl but I’m having a problem, when I try to create a window I get an error I just can’t figure out why. I have tried to lower my java version from java 16 to 14 but that didn’t work. Main Class: when I run my main class I get this error (on java jdk 16):

How to retrieve a GL2 instance?

I am currently writting a game with the JOGL bindings to use OpenGL but I am so struggling on this. I need to initialize my vaos and vbos (for each component) using the GL2 variable that I collected in the init method in the class that implements GLEventListener. Like so, But this variable is null when I want to use

LWJGL: glMapBuffer/Range what is the use of old buffer?

It prints out all zero’s but the new buffer contains the correct data which is fine. And if i specify null as parameter for the old buffer it works fine too. So is there any optimization/memory saving being done behind the scenes when using an non null old buffer? The output is the same for LWJGL 2.9.3 and 3.1.3 Answer

How to properly use open gl calls with libGDX

I am trying to render a terrain using my own shader and by using low level open gl methods. But other parts of the game use SpriteBatch and other GDXlib render classes. My openGL code for terrain renders correctly until I make a call to: or something similar like: After that call, my openGL code just not draw anymore. No
