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Get Timestamp in specific format

I have a timestamp saved in Azure SQL Database in the format of 2004-09-23 10:52:00. When I fetch the value, I am using sqlrowset where I am using getString(“last_updated_user”) and getting output like this “2004-09-23 10:52:00.0”. When I tried using getTimeStamp(“last_updated_user”), I am getting in microseconds. Can someone help me on formatting it to “2004-09-23 10:52:00” based on some in-built

Spring POST Method Microservice 500 exception

So, im trying to write a microservice with basic GET POST PUT DELETE commands. Its a Spring Maven Java programm with a mysql server When I try to post something it works, however if I dont include the Id it returns an exception: This is weird, because in the mysql console I can Insert a customer without the id, it

HTMlUnit – getByXPath – Get Values Back From Attribute List

I’m trying to get just the value from an xpath query for hrefs attributes but I can’t figure out how to state the query, at best I get my refs back in a list of DomAttr that I need to use getValue() on to get the actual link. My very simple set-up is the following: E: This returns the value

Wicket 9.0 can’t figure out how to redirect to other page

How to redirect to other wicket page from onEvent(String event) method? All that which I’ve tried is commented out, so far nothing seems to work, tried mounting pages using mountPage method, yet no change. Is it event possible to redirect to other page from ajaxBehavior? Answer After some time, I realized that this was Authorization issue and that redirect works

Spring app on Tomcat – Application at context path /web-customer-rest-demo could not be started

And it’s Tomcat all over again. I’m trying to run a Spring project on Tomcat, the build stage is fine, but I keep getting this deploy error. The content of config files follows: Tomcat log web-customer-rest-demo.xml pom.xml “It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details.” Who made this sh*t up, I wonder? Answer
