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Regex for letters and numbers with any underscores in between

I’m trying to create a Regex String with the following rules The username is between 4 and 25 characters. It must start with a letter. It can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. It cannot end with an underscore character. when it meets this criterion I want the output to be true otherwise false, but I only get

Java required module can’t be found

I have a basic JavaFX project set up in IntelliJ: The project uses Gradle for dependency management. The dependency that was added by my is javax.mail.api as you can see in the build.gradle file here: The iissue I have now is that when trying to execute to programm with the following run configuration: I get the following exception: The

mousePressed() applied when hovering instead of clicking

I’m trying to make a song player with three buttons (go to prev song, stop song, go to next song). I want to stop the audio playing when the stop button button is clicked using mousePressed(). The problem is, it is applied whenever my mouse is hovering on the area of the button I defined in the mousePressed() function. Why

How to read haskell.exe console output in Java?

I need to save Java output to test2.txt file, run through java compiled haskell hello.exe file, get data from tes2.txt, do something with it and then output result to console and read it with Java. Hello.exe Java When I run hello.exe by myself, it gives me the right result: 1 13 23. But when I run hello.exe with Java getRuntime().exec()

Fragment Size overlaps TabLayout

I found some similar problems but none of them solved my problem. But basically it’s exactly the same as on the other threads, that my viewPager fragment overlaps the tabLayout: Here is my source code: GroupBookFragment fragment_groupBook.xml fragment_groupBook_krippe fragment_groupBook_krippe.xml adapter_groupBook The weird thing is, whenever I delete RelativeLayout from the child fragments and used the ConstraintLayout only, the content gets

Unable to connect to tomcat 9 for remote debugging via eclipse

My spring web app is deployed on a different machine with below env: window machine apache-tomcat-9.0.67 jdk-13.0.2 I tried to remote connect it via eclipse by adding below command in startup.bat or catalina.bat and then running The server in the console is showing that the “Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000” But when i try to connect with the

Can @Builder be used for object creation as well as object modification?

I recently learned about object creation using @builder. But suddenly, I wonder if @Builder can be used to modify an object that has already been created. When I try to modify an object using @setter, the advantage of creating a constructor with @builder seems to disappear. So I tried to modify only some variables using @builder, but it seems to
